Jadoo ki jhappi was the phrase of the year when Munna Bhai released. The entire movie is based on hugging someone unhappy to help them transform their life with your hug. Scientifically studies show that human contact helps psychological and physical development. Hug Day is celebrated once through the year to encourage people to hug their family and friends more often. It is a reminder that there is nothing more reassuring than a hug from a friend or a loved one.
On this Hug Day reconnect with someone. Surprise them with a warm embrace. Here are some ideas on who you can hug.
We all have a favourite aunt or a favourite grandfather who made our childhood memorable. With time, we get so caught up in our lives that we fail to meet them often. On this Hug Day, go see that one person who made you what you are and give them a nice, long, tight hug. Take a bouquet of flowers for your aunt or a bottle of grandpa’s favourite whiskey just to let them they are always in your thoughts.
There is something so innocent and selfless about a child’s love. It is unconditional. Feel good this Hug Day. Hug that adorable little bundle and feel the love. Hug your own child, a niece, neighbour’s kid or your friend’s son; it could be anyone you know. Gift them a box of chocolates, a teddy bear or a monster truck or take them for a movie and double their joy.
We all have fall out’s with friends. This Hug Day, go meet that childhood buddy of yours who you are not in touch with anymore. Make a collage of your best memories with them put it in a nice photo frame and gift it to them along with a hug. Have a few beers, laugh about how naughty you were and just have a good time. Hugging your loved one always feels nice. This Hug Day as you hug him/her tell them how much they mean to you over a romantic meal. Surprise her with a bracelet or him with the new watch he has been eyeing.
A Hug goes a long way in making someone’s life better. The world has enough hatred. This Hug Day let’s hug away and spread the love.
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