
10 Things Dads Must Not Miss For Their Daughters

You are a super dad who happily did diaper duties and organized birthday parties and play dates for your daughter. It’s been a couple of years and now she’s settled in school making new friends. While Daddy’s little girl may have outgrown your lap, she still cuddles you every night before sleeping. Don’t wait for special occasions like birthdays to shower your love; there are little things that always make a big impression and celebrate the father-daughter bond. We tell you how:
Daughter's Day
  1. Love Your Wife & Her Mom. Heaps of affection and respect towards your wife will make your daughter love you even more. She’ll appreciate your relationship and perhaps even want someone like you when she grows up and gets married.

  2. Enjoy Ice Cream. No one minds an extra scoop of ice cream! Know her favorite ice cream flavor and then indulge her occasionally. If your wife does the strict routine, you know you have to side with your daughter for once.

  3. She’s as intelligent as any boy. Before she gets caught in the universal debate of opposite sexes, ensure she knows that she’s as smart as any boy, be it any competence –sports, studies etc. Be prepared to handle the male attention when she gets to college; with your words of wisdom she can handle any criticism in her adolescent years.

  4. Hang out together for no reason. Get to know her better by just being around when she needs you. This way she will remember your presence more than just her birthdays or school functions. Get involved in her life at an early stage because when she takes important decisions of her life, she knows who to call first.

  5. Go Shopping With Her. Be an indulgent dad and know her likes and dislikes. In a few years, you’d probably hand over your credit card to her, so relish the opportunity when she would like you to be involved. Don’t be overwhelmed and enjoy the process.
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  6. Read Books. This one’s a great way to bond with your little girl. Take out time from your routine and read her something special before she goes to sleep; have a sense of humor and invent silly rhymes for her. She’ll grow up to love reading books and cherish the bedtime stories rituals.

  7. Praise her beauty. Tell her it’s important to be beautiful not only from outside but even from within. Appreciate your daughter’s beauty each time she does something good; she’ll grow up to be grounded and not carried away by supermodels in fashion magazine.
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  8. Teach her about money. Encourage her to be money wise from childhood. Gift her piggy bank so that she learns to save money. She’s going to make you spend for her shopping escapades later anyway!

  9. Fix a Flat Tire with her. Every girl remembers the event when she first fixed a flat tire or called for help from the nearby garage. Prep her for this occasion when you start giving her driving lessons; the first time it happens, you know she will call you!
  10. Gift an experience. Provide opportunities that give her an experience over material things. Gift her swimming lessons; take her out for activities where she gets mesmerized by nature like hiking, scuba diving.

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